Golddigger 101

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: Our friends throw a house party for Primo

Look at the invitation my friend and her husband (they're the ones whose seven year old son gave a dollar to Primo's campaign) sent. The house party (a fundraiser at someone's home) is in a few days. I will report back.

Isn't this nice?

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Amazingly the 2018 election cycle is upon us and now more than ever we need to make our voices heard. 
Please join us on Wednesday, March 7, to meet our friend Primo, Polka Dot candidate for the state house. While you may not live in the district, we all have an interest in who serves in our state government. Just as it matters who Alabama sends to the Senate, it matters who our fellow [state residents] send to the state legislature. For the first time in decades, this seat is winnable by a progressive candidate.
We've seen the nature of elections and politics change dramatically in our lifetime. If there's one thing that S and I have learned over the past two years, it's that good governance matters at every level of government: local, state, and federal. This is an opportunity to make a tangible difference.
This is a fundraiser so remember to bring your checkbooks. No donation is too small!
The event is invitation-only. If there is anyone else that you feel should receive this invitation, please let us know.
K and S

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Much nicer than the one we recently attended for a Polka Dot candidate for Congress.
