Golddigger 101

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: Primo meets with The Challenger and tells her he is withdrawing from the race and the angels weep

Time remaining for Primo to collect another 300 signatures for his nominating petition: Eight days but it doesn't matter because he is withdrawing from the race

Number of signatures it is reasonable to collect on a weekend day when you are not facing a primary challenger who is covering the same territory you are: 40

Number of signatures it is reasonable to collect on a weekday when you are not facing a primary challenger who is covering the same territory you are: a lot fewer than 40


  1. Like I said, Primo is too decent of a guy for politics.

    1. Yeah, he is. Most people are in it for ego, I think. He is not and is continually disappointed to discover that others are.
