This is the bullshit people tell candidates. That you have to raise a ton of money and then spend it.
Yes, money is important to campaigning because graphic artists do not (nor should they) work for free. Printers do not (nor should they) work for free. Campaign managers do not (nor should they) work for free, although if any of you ever even think of hiring the campaign manager Primo had for his first campaign, please let me talk you out of it.
Also - if you hire a campaign manager - and we LOVE Primo's former campaign manager - please write some sort of agreement about what CM will do. CM did earn his money by listening to Primo's angst, but I would have liked some more objective accomplishments.
But I digress.
It does cost money to run a campaign. Clipboards cost money. Stamps cost money. Gas costs money. Even a DIY campaign from your own house, where you are not paying rent on a campaign office, costs money.
But boots on the ground and the zeitgeist matter more than almost anything else, I think. There are candidates who spend 20 % or 10% of what their opponents spend and still win. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised a lot less money than her incumbent opponent but yet she won. Her message resonated with voters. She resonated with voters.
And honestly? I am happy to see a ten-term incumbent ousted. Nobody should hold an office for ten terms. Nobody. Nobody is that good. And being in office takes you further from voters, not closer to them. They work for us. They should understand our lives.
Back to the money. The money is necessary. There are expenses, even in a grassroots campaign. But if you can capture the hearts of voters, you can do without expensive TV ads. You can do without being rich or having rich friends.
The Challenger does not need $100,000. She needs a great message and voters who are tired of this crap.
In my dream world of politics, you collect enough signatures to get yourself on the ballot. Once you do that you get campaign funds - government granted funds. There is no fundraising. None. There are no backers. You just get campaign funds. Everybody in the race gets the exact same amount.
ReplyDeleteAnd then *how you spend those funds* and how effectively you use them becomes a featured point of how good a candidate you are.