Golddigger 101

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: Primo goes to a campaign event for The Challenger

who wrote,

Thanks to everyone who came! The Challenger here, and I have a few things I'd like to say. I'll post 2 now, and another later when I have a few more minutes. These two are people I forgot to thank last night- I realized it later in the evening.
First, Primo. As many of you might know, Primo was my primary opponent until he endorsed me. Primo has long cared for our district, and he came last night to support the Kickoff--- which shows what a class act he is.
Primo has been tremendously supportive of our campaign, and we appreciate him for that. Thanks, Primo, for coming, and for all your support!

which was very nice, I thought.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: Primo talks The Challenger off the ledge after someone tells her she has to raise $100,000 to be a credible candidate

This is the bullshit people tell candidates. That you have to raise a ton of money and then spend it.

Yes, money is important to campaigning because graphic artists do not (nor should they) work for free. Printers do not (nor should they) work for free. Campaign managers do not (nor should they) work for free, although if any of you ever even think of hiring the campaign manager Primo had for his first campaign, please let me talk you out of it.

Also - if you hire a campaign manager - and we LOVE Primo's former campaign manager - please write some sort of agreement about what CM will do. CM did earn his money by listening to Primo's angst, but I would have liked some more objective accomplishments.

But I digress.

It does cost money to run a campaign. Clipboards cost money. Stamps cost money. Gas costs money. Even a DIY campaign from your own house, where you are not paying rent on a campaign office, costs money.

But boots on the ground and the zeitgeist matter more than almost anything else, I think. There are candidates who spend 20 % or 10% of what their opponents spend and still win. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised a lot less money than her incumbent opponent but yet she won. Her message resonated with voters. She resonated with voters.

And honestly? I am happy to see a ten-term incumbent ousted. Nobody should hold an office for ten terms. Nobody. Nobody is that good. And being in office takes you further from voters, not closer to them. They work for us. They should understand our lives.

Back to the money. The money is necessary. There are expenses, even in a grassroots campaign. But if you can capture the hearts of voters, you can do without expensive TV ads. You can do without being rich or having rich friends.

The Challenger does not need $100,000. She needs a great message and voters who are tired of this crap.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: The architect who implied that Primo was racist because we did not want high-density housing replacing the church parking lot two blocks from our house is upset that Primo dropped out of the primary because he felt like Primo owed him something? Not sure

Primo: The architect? For those apartments?

Me: Yes. The one who kept telling you that high-density housing increases property values? Which is why you see so much of it in rich neighborhoods?

Primo: Yes. He is upset that I dropped out of the primary.

Me: Why? Why does he care?

Primo: He thinks I have an obligation to the voters.

Me: But - you and The Challenger agree on the issues. So it's not like the voters have lost a voice.

Primo: He thinks I should have fought it out with her.

Me: About what? You guys agree!

Primo: He said that point of a primary is to "sharpen the sword."

Me: So - did he ever give money to your campaign? Did he ever volunteer to do doors for you? Did he volunteer to phone bank for you? Did he want a yard sign? Did he share your facebook posts and ask his friends to vote for you? Did he come to any of your events?

Primo: Nope.

Me: So - he wants a sharp sword but he doesn't want to do any of the work.

Primo: Exactly.