Primo (in the phone): The meeting went great! They really liked me!
Me: Of course they did.
Primo: I spoke really well. I didn't use a script.
Me: Did you finally speak from the heart?
Primo: Yes! I talked about that school board stuff!*
Me: Good!
Primo: People came up to me after! They wanted to meet me! They wanted to volunteer! This stuff is fun. It's a lot more fun than my job. I want to quit.
Me: If you can arrange to inherit a million dollars, we can sure consider it.
* Our local school board, which has the funds to pay decent wages, voted the other night to lay off over 30 custodians and outsource the jobs for 1/2 the wage. The savings in the annual budget are less than one percent. I am pretty disgusted.
I am disgusted as well about the custodian outsource. Hourly wage earners are rarely the problem--look to the board and administrators if cuts are needed- oh wait, that's not going to happen.