Golddigger 101

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

In which Sly brings up the oatmeal again SIX YEARS LATER

Remember when Sly got angry because I did not offer him oatmeal?

He's back. Primo is at his mom and dad's (again) because they have a medical situation (again) and will not move into assisted living or deal with anything because they want to wait until they are healthier, which is so likely to happen. Doesn't everyone's health improve after 80?

  • Primo
    We talked about the oatmeal situation.
  • Me
  • Primo
    Because my dad brought it up.
  • Me
    THat was SIX YEARS AGO!
  • Primo
    He is sure that he was not already eating when you failed to offer oatmeal.
  • Me
    of course he was
    he also thought that [Primo's niece] was pronouncing something wrong
  • Primo
    He always trots out the laundry list of criticisms from the past.
  • Me
    your dad is not a REmemmber
    Your dad needs a hobby
  • Primo
    I used to be good at breaking out the laundry list. I learned to stop that, at least for the most part.
  • Me
    he better hope that his sister is still alive after your mom dies
  • Primo
    He has a hobby. Criticizing people!
  • Me
    because she is going to be the only person who will put up with him
  • Primo
    He's good at it!
  • Me
    I will not have him in my house or in my life
  • Primo
    Proud of his ability.
  • Me
  • Primo
    He criticized my mom yesterday for not remembering a rule in cribbage.
  • Me
    he doesn't even care if there are witnesses
  • Primo
    Not being really mean, but picking at her. She wasn't happy.


  1. Hi. You've got the Drunk's last name in the text.

  2. You haven't given Sly any new material to work with! Of COURSE he had to bring up an incident from six years ago to illustrate your unworthiness. Dear Lord. Oatmeal. Six Years.
