Golddigger 101

Saturday, December 5, 2015

In which my beautiful, sweet, smart niece is reluctant to be all grabby with Sly and Doris' stuff because she is a classy girl, even though Ted and his wife had no qualms at all about being grabby

Me: Niece! Take Doris' handwritten recipes.

Sweet, lovely, just graduated from college Niece: OK.

Me: And the cookie cutters.

Niece: OK.

Me: What about this stand mixer?

Niece: I don't know....

Me: You might want it someday.

Niece: It feels kind of weird taking her stuff.

Me: I know. You're still mourning her death and it seems tacky to be taking her things. But she would be very happy for you to have the things she enjoyed so much.

Niece: I guess.

Me: It's you or it's Goodwill.

Niece: I guess.

Me: Do you  need an iron?

Niece: Sure.

Me: Wait. You actually have clothes that need to be ironed?

Niece: Yes.


  1. Oh GD!

    I also took many of my grandmother's smaller day to day kitchen items. It brings me great joy just looking at them.
    Aww shucks.

    1. I know! I have my grandmother's strudel cloth. So many happy memories of making strudel together.

  2. I'm at a loss imagining what S & D had that Ted and Tedswife want to be grabby about - but if it clears the house, that's a good thing!
    I'm afraid you haven't found all the sex toys yet. You know they never threw anything out...

  3. I make it a rule to never buy anything that needs ironing or dry cleaning. Well, except suits, and I wear those so infrequently that I can usually get by dry cleaning them anywhere from once a year (my favorite suit) to once a decade (the one that I only wear a very few times a decade).

    This reminds me of when my mom passed away, she had an apartment, and my wife, daughter and I packed up stuff that had any meaning to us, and then we asked her neighbors, many of whom had become good friends in the 4 years she'd lived there, if they wanted any of her things. Most of the kitchen stuff we didn't take went to the community kitchen for her building, which was nice.

    1. I have all these white blouses that need to be ironed and I have not worn them for two years, but I cannot bring myself to put them in the Goodwill box. I think it is time. I hate ironing. I never want another job where I have to be starched.

    2. If they're nice and you and Primo itemize your taxes, I use to figure out the value of things that we donate (usually books and clothes). It's a service of Intuit/TurboTax, so if you use them it's incredibly simple to import your deductions, and if not it's still a good, FREE record-keeping tool.

  4. Teen! is so right. Whenever i roll out pastry with Mom's rolling pin, or cut cookies with my aunt's cutters, it makes me happy. Glad Niece took some. i think she will be glad in the years to come.

    1. webb, I found other little things like that and insisted that Maria take them home to share with her brother and sister. It is those little things you remember!
