Golddigger 101

Saturday, December 5, 2015

In which Primo points out to me the item that I wish we had gotten instead of the cast-iron cat

You know you want a glass octopus that glows when turned on as well. You know you do.


  1. Ok that thing is so creepy I almost do want it for my Halloween decorations...almost...ok I'm good the urge has passed. Is the cat still up for grabs? ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. In Doris' defense, I think Sly bought this for her. But even so - she did have bad taste.

  4. Replies
    1. Ha! Sly would have HATED that! No pop culture for him!

  5. Honestly, I kinda would like that. But I have 1: a strange love of octopuses (they're so smart! and malleable! and just plain neat!) and 2: not exactly high-brow tastes. Still wouldn't BUY it, but I've gotten worse gifts.

  6. You need to claim baby Cthulhu for yourself!
