Golddigger 101

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ch 10 Doris never answers my email thanking her for the book and the catalogs

Me: She didn’t answer.

Primo: I don’t know why.

Me: I thought she wanted a relationship. I thought she was complaining that she had reached out and I had not responded. I responded. I am trying.

Primo: I know. I don’t know what’s going on.

Me: Isn’t it time that I just have an open conversation with them?

Primo: I don’t think that would work.

Me: You mean I can’t say, “I know we got off on the wrong foot. It doesn’t have to be this way. Can’t we get along, even though we don’t agree on things? We do agree that we all love Primo.”

Primo: That’s not how we do things in my family.

Me: I know. You’ve told me that before. But honestly, I don’t know what else to do. I know that I have not put my heart and soul into it, but I have been very cordial with your mother and I answer all her emails and I have initiated some emails and letters. No matter what I do, she either ignores me or finds something to criticize. I am tired of tiptoeing around. Can’t we just be honest?

Primo: I guess it couldn’t hurt. I don’t know that they could dislike you any more than they already do.

Me: Gee, thanks. 


  1. oops! I think Primo's name snuck in there.

  2. This is where (on my second read-through) this is where I wonder if Doris saw that email. I remember you mentioning that she and Sly shared an email address? Would it have been past Sly to see that email first, delete it as inconsequential, and then forget to ever mention it?

    I can't remember if the email comes up again later.
