Golddigger 101

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ch 10 I reach out again and this time, I really mean it because I do want a good relationship with my husband-to-be’s parents

I will try again. I write a paper letter, not an email. I do not send them an email because

·         I want it to take longer for them to respond because I really truly do not want to deal with this – I can’t figure Doris out – is she nice or is she not nice? What do I do about a future mother in law who sometimes is nice to me and sometimes is not but who I will have to deal with until she dies if I marry Primo? And
·         Remember how Sly and Doris like to forward emails to everyone else in the family and BCC everyone on everything? I don't need everyone else to be in my business. Except for you guys, of course. I don’t mind if strangers are in my business. I just don’t want people I know who don’t like me to be in my business.

Dear Sly and Doris,

It really bothers me that we have such a horrible relationship. This is not how I wanted things to work out. I don't want to be estranged from the parents of my husband to be. It's a loss for me and it's hard on Primo - he's caught in the middle and it causes him a lot of pain.

I don't know how we got off on the wrong foot. I wish we hadn't. I am truly sorry for anything I might have done to cause this rift.

The three of us have something in common: we love Primo and we want him to be happy. What can I do to repair our relationship?


This letter is completely true. It does bother me. I do want a better relationship with my future in-laws if for no other reason is it would make my life easier.

Elephant stables are not easy to clean.

I also felt pretty good about apologizing because truly, I do not think I have not done anything wrong.  I have nothing to apologize for.

And even if I did, I wouldn’t mind apologizing. I am not in the business of deliberately hurting people. If I have done something that offends them, I want to know so I can fix it. I don’t want to be enemies with my boyfriend’s parents. If I have done wrong (other than eating bacon wrong), I need to know what it is so I can repent and earn the forgiveness I crave.

What I do not say but what of course you guys all know is that I want future in-laws who are nice, reasonable people. Until Sly and Doris, I had always gotten along with my boyfriends' families.

Sly and Doris are the first ones to hate me. They hated Primo's first wife.

Who is the X here?

I write the letter to get them off Primo's back. If I have to write a letter twice a month to them to get them to stop complaining to Primo about me, that's fine. I will do it.

I also want to see what they will say once the ball is in their court. What did I done wrong? What feats will I have to do to? Will I have to clean the stables? Will I have to slay the lion? Or will ten rosaries be enough? I am a curious person.

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