My friends all have my cell number. It's the only number associated with me. I don't give it to strangers or at least not to strangers whom I don't want calling me.
I answered, thinking it was maybe someone who wanted to offer me six figures to work part-time at a fun job.
It wasn't.
It was some political telemarketer. I don't even know what side he was on - I didn't recognize the name of his organization.
He had my name. He had my phone number.
Me: How did you get this phone number?
Him: You gave it to--
Me: I have never willingly or knowingly given my phone number to a political organization.
Him: So I'm calling about--
Me: Stop. Stop right there. I am so sick of politics. I don't want to talk about it. I get more than enough political conversation in my house. I do not need it with strangers.
Him: But---
Me: Take my name and number off your list and never call me again. Goodbye.
Damn vultures. I am giving serious consideration to becoming a nun.
THAT was absoolutely the worst part of the last election. Living in a purple atate was no fun at all!