Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ch 10 Primo calls Doris but she is still despondent

Primo: I called my mom and spoke to her directly. She is still despondent about not being thanked. In addition, she is upset with you.

Me: Now what did I do?

Primo: She says you are bitter and resentful that I does not share your interest in gardening.

Me: How on earth did she come to that conclusion?

Primo: She says you wrote her a letter about it.

Me: Yeah, I wrote her a letter and of course I wrote about gardening because that is one of the two topics we can discuss without her getting all emotional, or so I thought. I mentioned that you aren’t a gardener but you like the results. I said you like having tomatoes and basil from my garden and think my flowers are pretty but that my garden is messy. And I put in a smiley face. By definition, if you use a smiley face, you are not being bitter and resentful.

Primo: What’s the other topic?

Me: What?

Primo: What’s the other topic that you guys can discuss without her getting emotional?

Me: What does that have to do with anything?

Primo: I want to know!

Me: OK, engineer. The other topic is books. Anyhow – why does she think I am bitter?

Primo: Because you told her that I don’t share your interest.

Me: But you don’t!

Primo: And you’re bitter.

Me: I couldn’t care less that you don’t share my interest.

Primo: That’s what I thought.

Me: First, I would never use the word “bitter” to your mom and second, I would never express a real emotion to her. Third, I would never say something negative about you to her. I am all surface happy and polite with her. It’s the only way. I would never invite that kind of intimacy with her. And besides, I am not bitter!

Primo: I know. Then she was worried because you and I don’t agree on politics.

Me: Yes, we are all well aware of the political divisions among us.

Primo: She thinks are going to break up.

Me: Over politics? And gardening?

Primo: Um – yeah.

Me: And that has her despondent?

Primo: Apparently.

Me: You'd think she'd be elated to finally have that happy thought in her head.

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