Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Candidate's Wife: The thing about mailing lists is they are not actually transferable - who knew?

Primo's campaign manager, whom we love as a friend, came to him with an idea.

CM: This guy wants to sell me a mailing list of 7,000 good, local names. They have good data for Our County. It appears to be better data than we can get from the Party.

Primo: OK.

CM: It's only $300. We could maybe raise some money for your campaign.

Primo: Are they vetted? Are they opted in? Did you expect my campaign to pay?

CM: No. My firm would buy it. You would reimburse me.


CM: I got the list.

Primo: They are opted in, right? We can use them with Mail Chimp? Because their terms are really clear about this.

CM: I asked the seller. He said not to worry about that - that everyone does it, even if people aren't opted in.

Primo: I don't do it.

CM: But everyone does it.

Primo: I don't.

1 comment:

  1. If I could, I'd vote for him on this stance alone!
