Tuesday, January 31, 2017

In which we start to understand why candidates don't show up until the last minute

This is why candidates and their families get cranky.

Weeks ago, someone called to ask Primo to participate in some candidate thingy. The only information Primo got was it would be Wednesday evening, 5:30 until 9.

Today, Primo gets this email.

5:30 - 6:00 Cocktail hour
6:00 - 6:45 Dinner
6:45 - 7:00 [political stuff]
7:00- 7:45 - Presidential Questions with Q&A for the last 15 min7:45 - 8:45 US Senator and State Rep Candidates Questions with Q&A for the last 15 min
He is not actually scheduled to speak until 7:45.

Unless there are a ton of people at an event who will either 1. give you money or 2. vote for you, why would you show up at 5:30 and just hang out for over two hours when you could be knocking on doors campaigning instead?

And then here are the questions.

Wait. Let me summarize them for you.

1. How would you stop hunger?
2. How will you make all people live in peace?
3. How do you mend a broken heart?

Here are the real questions. Add your own summaries in the comments.

  1. Why do you think Millennials tend to be disengaged from the political / civic process?
  2. If you had the opportunity to waive a magic wand and change one policy that affects race relations in the US/our state/our city, what would it be?
  3. Within the first 90 days of holding office , what is your planned course of action?
  4. Currently, over 90% of [our city's] budget is dedicated to Public Safety - and only a small fraction of that is spent on preventative Public Health measures like immunizations, school lunch programs, and violence prevention efforts.On the subject of violence prevention, what monies/programs/responsibilities do you believe that the police department currently manages that may actually be more effective in the hands of experts at the Health Department or Department of Neighborhood Services?
  5. How will you hold yourself accountable and measure your performance as an elected official?
  6. How do you plan to ensure that metro [our city's] voice is heard within the legislature?
  7. What plans do you have to help unite the [our city] area? 
  8. Where do you think [our state] needs to improve the most in regards to technology and what can we do to get there? 

Not going to be bitchy and point out the really bad typos. Not going to do it.

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